Why starting momo.coach?

By Paul Panserrieu — Friday May 26 2023, Berlin

Hello, and welcome to the first post on the this blog! I'm excited to take this opportunity to share the origin story behind momo.coach.

Starting my journey as a freelancer, I quickly realized that managing my work with basic tools like Google Docs and Excel was less than optimal.

With a small but growing client base, the tasks started piling up. The organization of tasks, tracking of projects, and maintenance of financial records rapidly descended into chaos.

The lack of structure and efficiency was impressive, and it became evident that I needed a better solution.

But why code an app?

The desire to prove myself that I could indeed build a solution to my problem, was a strong motivating factor.

And thus, momo.coach was born.

The journey of coding this app has been filled with challenges and triumphs, and I'm happy to share it with you.

momo.coach is more than just an app for me - it's a testament to my journey as a freelancer, a developer and an individual constantly seeking growth.

Stay tuned to this blog as I go further. Thanks for joining me on this adventure!

Here's to making sense of freelancing, one line of code at a time.